François has been with us for more than 20 years and is in charge of many aspects of the lab, whether it is making sure that we are well supplied in lampreys and that they are well kept, or whether it is supervising students and undergraduates. He is also taking care of or advising on the neuroanatomical aspects of projects that students and post-doctoral fellows in the lab are undertaking.
Danielle Veilleux, lab technician
Danielle is a crucial element of the lab almost since its foundation by Réjean Dubuc. She is directly responsible for the quality, rigor and stability in the day-to-day operations of the lab. She has recently reduced her schedule and is gradually preparing for a well-earned retirement. All members of the team benefit every day from her expertise and numerous technical skills.
Philippe-Antoine started in the lab as an undergraduate trainee from the Biological Sciences program in UdeM during the summer of 2012. He then went on to complete a master's degree and more recently, a PhD with us. He is interested in the dopaminergic modulation of olfactory inputs in the olfactory bulb of the lamprey.
Gheylen Daghfous, biologist and collaborator
Gheylen Daghfous, biologist and collaborator
Gheylen completed a PhD in the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris under the co-direction of Réjean Dubuc at the end of the 2000s. He then joined our lab as a post-doctoral fellow for many years during which he worked on the GABAergic modulation of olfactory inputs and on the chemosensory system associated with the numerous papillae found in many places on the body of the lamprey. He is now collaborating with us as a research assistant.
Mehrdad Bordbar, master's student
Mehrdad has joined our team in september 2023 as a master's student in neurosciences. He is working at better identifying the inputs to a very important structure for locomotor control, the posterior tuberculum.